Monday, May 30, 2011


The number 23 is important to me as its the date I was born, of even more recent significance is that 23 is the number of kilograms I have burnt off my body since 25 Jan 2011.

At times we spend so much time and effort trying to attain something that when it finally comes around, starts to show face and shape we loose sight of it all together or forget just how much zeal and determination it took to get there. I recently spent time with my parents after what seemed like ages of burying myself from the world in Pmb. I can't even begin to explain to you just how proud my parents were of my newly forming physique. This made me look at my body with a whole lot of appreciation for finally showing me the results of my sweat and tears.

It's been a long time coming, so long infact that I'd almost forgotten that I am slowly winning the war against my weight indecency.

If I did not know any better I'd say that it was too easy to get here, but I DO know better. I keep telling people who see the change that there is no secret, just sweat and sometimes tears. At the end of the day its all about how much you put in versus how much you put out. The latter has to outweigh the first.

I recognise myself again in the mirrors I pass by. There she is the girl with constant confidence and a bubbly smile. Yeah! There she is, the girl I once knew.

Fair well, so long 23!!!!

This pic was taken on 27/05/11.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I am so so proud of your progress! You inspire me to be better! Love you
