Thursday, October 22, 2009

Outdoors = my mood lifter

There is something to be said about exercising outdoors, its a natural stress releaver not only that you meet the most hilarious characters, dagger looks from female drivers; truck drivers hoot endlessly, taxi drivers stop to ask if I need a lift (scary); men driving with their spouses steal looks in their rear view mirrors and suddenly hit their hazzards, or some are too scared to look at all so they choose to pretend like they did not see you, just so there is peace in the car (like yesterday when I saw a male colleauge working so hard at looking sideways that he actually almost ran us over) . I dont understand the fuss, what makes men behave this badly, after all I am not wearing something cute and short, I am not thin and skinny model with hair flowing off my backside, there is no slow motion kind of effect that happens when a boy sees a girl he likes the first time. But honestly there must be something appealing seeing a woman working up a sweat, there was a time when a group of boys (school going age maybe 18 years or so) saw me and started singing a hip hop song (Tell me where u get your body from?) which is followed by a female singer (I got it from my mama) I chose to ignore them ofcourse but how charming... These are the type of things I come across everyday and you know what it makes me smile secretly inside, just like the fact that my bum is really getting shapely, my tummy has less could it be, really be that I am slowly winning? I hope so!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there i just spent the last hour or so engrossed in your blog and i found it quite by accident but i am glad i did. i have been so inspired and i hope you will allow me to be your friend. you see i am 91kg and i am 1.6m tall my BM1 is 35 so i totally identify with you. over the years i have had bouts of insecurity with my weight but i have never taken it so seriously as i have now. i want to be healthy, i am already suffering from high blood pressure and the extra layers are not helping at all. i have started walking and have stopped eating junk. i hope i can gradually break into a run its only been the first week. i have signed up for an aerobics class but i am yet to go, i always make excuses about time etc. i am a wife, a mother to a 3 year old and i am a lawyer so sometimes it really does hectic. i am really inspired by your blog and i hope you dont mind me chatting to you in your blog and get encouragement even if you are in SA and i am in Zim. regards, Sue
